Yesterday was the finale of my 12 day Wild Rose Detox. The Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox was created by a Clinical Herbalist Dr.Terry Willard, Ph.D and is designed to give your body a ‘complete detoxification of the liver, colon, kidneys, and lymphatic system.’
Since mid April I've been living sans sugar, but I was looking for another way to incorporate a cleaner way of eating overall. When I confided this in my friend Phaedra, she suggested the Wild Rose Detox, which she had done in the past with stunning results.
What can you eat? A diet heavy on most vegetables (with the exception of mushrooms), some fruits (apples, berries, stone fruits), lean meats, unsweetened almond milk, tahini, eggs, coffee, beans, whole grains, and almonds. You also consume three varieties of herbal tablets and an herbal-extract tincture that are to be taken twice daily. What can’t you eat? Basically no dairy, sugar, flour products, or alcohol. Oh, but you can have butter, which seemed rather odd. But hallelujah for butter.
There were certainly some highs and lows throughout the 12 days. There were moments of "I could eat this way indefinitely" followed by "I'd kill for a diet coke". My savior during the moments of challenge was almond butter. I slathered it on rice cakes, put it in my cereal, and even ate it straight out of the jar. What also helps the cravings is when you realize you can eat as much as you want of the approved food, within reason. I did slip and have a Diet Coke or two over the 12 days. I also will admit that I made a list of everything I want to devour once the cleanse was over, namely CAKE.
Now that the detox is over, I do feel healthier and less lethargic. I also lost ten pounds, just in time for my Birthday. It helps to go into this detox with another person, for moral support. My friend Phaedra steered me towards recipes and kept checking in on me throughout the process. Now that it's come to an end, I could definitely see myself incorporating the detox into my life once every season
- I read online that if you put the herbal liquid into a shot glass of cold water it’s much easier to take. Of course I read this after the detox was completed.
- Almond butter will become your best friend.
- Drink a LOT of water. I probably didn't drink as much as I should have.
- I’d recommend preparing ahead of time by stocking up with the right food and recipes. Though the detox does come with a list of acceptable foods to consume, it took a bit of online research to find some palatable recipes.
- I’d also suggest not doing the cleanse when you have any social obligations.
- I LOVED drinking my coffee with almond milk. Though I still prefer cream and sugar, I might save those for weekends only.
- Treat yourself during this time. I made sure I had a house full of flowers and indulged in some leisurely baths.