My obsession with lilacs has moved beyond the vase on my bedside table. They've bloomed rather early this year, what with our mild winter, and I was craving a way to preserve them post their bloom date. After seeing several friends posting on Instagram their clever lilac creations, I decided to tackle a few lilac DIYs of my own. I started yesterday by making lilac sugar. From there I made a small batch of lilac simple syrup and lilac ice cubes this afternoon. What with all this lilac deliciousness, a cocktail recipe or two will be in order soon! But that will have to wait until I'm post my 30 days no sugar. The irony of tackling these sugar laden projects when I can't consume a bit of it.
Lilac Sugar
- 1/2 cup lilac petals (stems and green bits removed)
- 1 cup sugar
Layer petals and sugar in a jar. Let stand in a cool dark location for a few days. Shake every now and then. Pick the petals out and now your sugar is ready to use.
Lilac Simple Syrup
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup lilac petals (stems and green bits removed)
Combine the water and sugar over medium heat on the stove. Heat until dissolved. Add the lilac petals and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, drain through a sieve, bottle, and store in the refrigerator.
Lilac Ice Cubes
Self explanatory. Fill an ice cube tray with water then place a number of lilac petals, sans stems, in your tray then freeze.
Next I want to tackle lilac perfume. The one ingredient wonder. And I'm contemplating a lilac sugar scrub or bath salts. The scent seems right at home in a bathtub.
Lilac Perfume
- Fresh lilac petals
- Cheesecloth
Put 1 cup of lilac petals inside the bowl on top of the cheesecloth. Pour 2 cups of distilled water over the lilacs. Make sure they are completely covered. Place a plate on top of the bowl. Allow the flowers to soak overnight. Using the edges of cheesecloth pull it out of the bowl and gently squeeze the scented water into a small pot. Simmer the water until about 1 teaspoon is left. Let it cool. Pour your lilac perfume carefully into a dark glass bottle with a tight fitting lid and shake.