June's installment of "Behind the Scenes" highlights Natasha of A Squad Bake Shop in Savannah, GA. Natasha and I met way back in 7th grade in Washington State. We were classmates through all of middle school and high school. Cut to 7ish years ago and it turns out that unbeknownst to either of us we both ended up moving to Savannah, GA. A mutual friend in Savannah realized that we were both from the same part of Washington State and the rest is history. We reconnected across the country from where we first met. Such a small world moment.
Natasha opened A Squad Bake Shop in 2014. They specialize in wedding cakes and fine desserts focusing on everything local and lovely.
Collects Memories. I live in a 1000 square foot home with my husband, two sons, two dogs and almost no closet space. There is barely enough room for our dishes, let alone a shelf of tchotchkes, plus I hate dusting.
Admires HUSTLE. I have been a small business owner twice over in Savannah, GA. I respect and admire anyone who can earn their living on their own terms.
Daydreams Baking apprenticeship in the French countryside.
Guilty Pleasures Pizza, but like, good pizza, ya know? I barely eat gluten (annoying), as it hurts my guts. But about once a month, Nathan (my husband) and I will walk down to The Florence and I will murder their margarita pizza.
Weekend Pursuits As I am in my last weekend of wedding season, hopefully not a lot. Here’s what I hope Saturday looks like, lazy morning, sipping coffee, head to the farmers market, go to the pool, cook food and drink rose with friends, laugh with the boys.
Libation of Choice Gosh, its pretty rare when I will turn down a gin and tonic.
Coffee or Tea Coffee with cream. NO SUGAR
Favorite Book To Kill a Mockingbird. I have read it a million times and have loved it a million times.
Where I’d Rather Be I rather like where I am at, right now, but I COULD be on a boat. With a breeze. And a gin and tonic.
Lipstick or Gloss of the Moment Neither. Dr. Hauschka lip care stick!! The perfect amount of shine, and it smells so good!!
Nail Polish du Jour Can’t wear it on my hands because I work with food. Clear on my toes because it makes me feel beachy.
Scent My kids say I smell like frosting. All the time. I like to think I smell like lavender and patchouli.
Style Icon Jane Birkin and Francoise Hardy. I love that their style is effortless and sexy with really simple pieces.
Can’t Leave the House Without Sadly, my phone. It is my brain.
Pending Vacation Headed to the west coast in just a couple of weeks, to take the boys through northern Cali and Oregon before heading up to Ferndale, WA to see grandparents and to go to our 20th high school reunion. DC at the end of the summer. And maybe something tropical for Christmas….
Social Media of Choice Instagram. I am a visual person.
Crushing On SeeSAW (See Savannah Art Walls) Their collaboration with Bison Jack, this past spring, projected poems onto the side of a building downtown and through a porthole of a vacant retail space. It was thoughtful, interesting to look at, and it really gathered community. It made people stop in their tracks to gawk. It was really incredible.
There you have it! Now if you need a brilliant baker in Savannah you know just who to call. Do follow A Squad Bake Shop on Instagram for jealousy inducing photos that will make you covet Natasha's life.