I've always been intrigued by the marbling nail polish technique. With Easter looming I thought why not give it a go on some Easter Eggs.
Here's what you'll need: nail polish (obviously), disposable cups, lukewarm water (the polish will sink if the water isn't the right temperature), gloves (!!!) and something along the lines of a toothpick to create the marbling pattern
Directions: Dip one side of the egg in the cup, which will cover half the egg. Set the egg aside and let it dry. Once dry dip the other side. As a personal preference I actually preferred the look of the eggs with only part of their surface covered in polish.
The project is extremely messy, so gloves are a must. I would also suggest using the cheapest nail polish. I went through a bottle of OPI and a fair amount of my Butter London polishes, and they're a bit pricey to waste on Easter Eggs. Looking back, I'd also suggest tackling this project out of doors as that much polish in an indoor space can be headache inducing. The perk to using nail polish is that after the eggs are dry, you can go back and correct any imperfections with a q-tip soaked in nail polish remover.