There's just something so decadent about gifting someone with a piece of art selected especially for them. Minted has a vast array of options that fall into the category of love and adoration. Three pieces that I was especially drawn to all share one element, gold leaf. There's a lavishness to the gold shimmer that seems rather appropriate for Valentine's Day.
l Mosaic Heart by Jennifer Postorino l
l I Love You That Is All by Phrosne Ras l
l United States Map by GeekInk Design l
All three pieces would be appropriate for gifting to someone you're romantically involved with. Or if you're sans romance at the moment, a friend or family member would be a splendid recipient. All prints can be purchased framed or unframed depending how flush your pocketbook is with cash at the moment. These particular pieces are available in a range of sizes. Options, options, options. PLUS, you aren't too late to get your order in, as Minted is offering free three day shipping on orders over $75.
Might I add there's also no guilt in purchasing one of these gems for yourself. Also, stay tuned because in a mere 5 days I'll be hosting a Minted giveaway in honor of my impending 10 year Blogiversary.