Last Saturday my friend Emily and I trekked down to Seattle to hear Ms. Dunham read from the book she received a scandalous $3.6 million book advance to write.
I've attended a few book readings in my time, but this was the first with not one but TWO opening acts. I could have done with more Lena and less pre Lena, but that's just me. Because clearly there's never enough Lena to satiate me. She predictably read from a few essays and conducted her own Q+A with pre-submitted questions from the audience. She was everything you'd imagine and more. Despite the event going by far too quickly, was it well worth the $77 I paid on Stubhub for my ticket? Well yes, because after I devour the book I'm going to put the autographed copy up for sale on eBay. The book, along with the party favor condoms I received from Planned Parenthood (a sponsor of the evening), should bring in a pretty penny, no?