a video by Fine Dining Lovers
I'm thrilled beyond belief for the success of my friend, James Beard nom, Blaine Wetzel and the recognition he's bringing to the island I grew up on. "The idea is that each days menu reflects almost like a moment in time in nature or on the island", what a lovely sentiment.
On another note, the radio silence on this blog of late was due to the fact that my blogging platform, Typepad, was hit with a DDoS Attacks, which started on Friday. Everything appears to be status quo at the moment and here's hoping it's smooth sailing from here on out.
Over the weekend I managed to attend a joint Birthday party for my Dad and sister in Seattle. While in Seattle I also managed to fit in a blowout at Swink Style Bar and snagged a limited edition Hi-Hat cupcake from Trophy Cupcakes (gluten free, naturally). Then on the drive back up northward towards home, we took a meandering drive trough the tulip fields in Skagit Valley. Whenever I'm living in Washington I try to always make a point of not missing this spectacular sight that occurs around Easter, when all the tulip fields seem to bloom simultaneously. Easter Sunday was comprised of church, treats, and a lovely dinner. All in all not too shabby of a weekend.