It's that time of year when I start contemplating trips taken during the previous 12 months and look ahead towards future travel. In 2013 I managed to check one more state off my list, Utah (bringing my total to 32 out of 50). I was in Salt Lake City for Alt Summit and Park City for Sundance in January. Then in July I took my annual (sometimes bi-annual) trip to Savannah. Finally, there was the a road trip down to Ashland, OR for their Shakespeare Festival.
January: Salt Lake City, UT & Park City, UT
July: Savannah, GA
August: Ashland, OR
As always, one of my perpetual New Year's resolutions is to travel more. I think I've started out on the right track with four trips already on the books for the next four months. One trip a month, not too shabby of a start. In January I'll be attending Alt Summit once again. In February it's another trip to my Southern home, Savannah. March will be a visit to Los Angeles where a reunion will be taking place with all the girls I traveled to Europe with in the summer of 2012. Then there's a trip to NYC for another reunion of sorts and a viewing of the play Heathers (p.s. it's a musical!). Finally, in an ideal world I'd love to take a road trip from San Diego to Savannah at some point during the summer months. Beyond that, who knows.
January: Salt Lake City, UT
February: Savannah, GA
March: Los Angeles, CA
April: NYC, NY
Summer: Road trip from San Diego to Savannah
Do tell. Where will 2014 take you?