Inspired by Jamie Beck's photograph of what she can't live without when she travels (specifically within her Jason Wu designed bag for St. Regis Hotels), I created of homage to her photograph. I posted my picture on Instagram (@HissAndTell) and it ended up on the St. Regis website.
As I'm currently packing for my upcoming trip to Salt Lake City I'm always pondering and editing the items I must have with me en route to somewhere else. For this particular trip I've had to exceed the limit I place on myself to fly with carry on only. The extra cold weather gear I'm transporting in addition to some takeaways from Alt Summit make a checked bag a necessity.
Can't leave home without...
- I'm currently reading The Hobbit for my Book Club, so this small paperback makes the cut when space is to a premium.
- I usually splurge on a few magazines when I fly. Usually more gossip and shelter oriented magazines make it into my travel bag.
- I'm downloading the first season of Girls to watch on my iPad if the particular Delta flight I'm on doesn't (boo!) have seat back tvs.
- Evian spray, L'Occitane lip balm, and lotion. Keeping my skin hydrated while on a flight is of the utmost importance.
- Gluten free granola bars (Lara specifically) are a must for any flight. Along with a few other sans gluten snacks like string cheese and granola.
- Comfortable shoes that are easy to slip off when going through security and soft warm socks are a must. No barefeet on the airport floor for me.