I'm about to get out of dodge and spend a blissful 16 days on a tiny island in Washington.
There will be a lot of the following occurring: sleeping in, drinking lemonade NOT sweet tea, going to outdoor movies, going to indoor movies, burgers at Fiamma Burger, perfect 75 degree sunny days, a day or two or three spent in Seattle, corn on the cob, reading on the beach, making s'mores, swimming at the lake, manicures and pedicures, potluck picnics, long drives absolutely nowhere, picking raspberries, West Coast sunsets, cotton candy, staying up late, farmers markets, a day trip to Vancouver, a chili cook off, ferry rides, catching up, a hot stone massage, HBO and Showtime, no need for air conditioning, ice cream at Mallard's, whale watching, walks on the boardwalk, a potential sailing trip and did I mention SLEEP? Color me content. So long Savannah.