Carlos Falchi, handbag designer extraordinaire. Set to designer a line of handbags for Target in the impending future. Very sweet. After he found out only locals can make reservations at Paula Deen's restaurant, he joked he'd be back to have me make his reservation. Was in town for SCAD graduation.
Erin Williams, one of Whitney Port's sidekicks on The Hills spinoff, The City. Asked her when the new season of the show would start airing. She said she wasn't sure, but that they'd been filming a lot lately. Then she complimented me on the color of my hair and asked if it was natural. Love that question. My first brush with a reality "star" (that is if you don't count Ruby, but she's homegrown, so she probably doesn't count). She also was in town for SCAD graduation. (Trivia: who knew her dad is bassist for AC/DC, Cliff Williams? Not I.)
Celeb not spotted this week at the store:
Glenn Close. She was apparently out and about in the downtown design district, but didn't bother popping into our store. Disappointing. She was in town to give the commencement speech for SCAD graduation.