For me, growing up on an island in Washington state with a population of only 400 people, the first of May, May Day, meant flowers (typically picked from a garden or growing wild) left anonymously on a neighbor or friends doorstep. I've always had a "thing" for flowers. Lately that's manifested itself in my trying to always have a bouquet of flowers propped on the mantel in my living room. In these frugal times instead of purchasing bouquets from my favorite floral design boutique down the block, I'm picking up the grocery store variety. And honestly they do just fine. We could get into a list of my favorite flowers (Peonies, Lilies, Tulips, Hydrangeas, Dahlias), but lately I've been daydreaming about Plumeria blossoms. From the moment I stepped off the plane in Kauai 8 years ago, I fell hard for the flower. I brought back with me a stash of plumeria scented candles. Then after using them up was disheartened to discover I couldn't find the scent on the mainland. Apparently I didn't search very hard because I eventually learned that Bath & Body works carried the scent in an array of products. As I discovered when someone gave me a plumeria scented candle from there as a gift long after I gave up my search. Last week I turned my search for anything plumeria scented to Etsy. Where I discovered the scent in both candle (I seem to have depleted her stock in plumeria) and perfume form (priced at a whopping $9). I promptly purchased both, thankful to have satiated my craving for the scent.