Last Friday I had the day off, so S and I decided to head over to Tradition Hilton Head to peruse the HGTV Green Home in person. First of all, Tradition isn't anywhere near Hilton Head. It's 20 miles from the island. And that's where the BS begins. As we passed through Traditions gates we were asked to park our car and were told a golf cart would take us the mere 20 feet from our vehicle to the welcome center. We considered telling them we'd just walk over, but then thought better of it. We paid $20 to be given a tour of the Tradition housing development and HGTV Green Home. I was under the impression that all of the homes built in the housing development were going to be "green homes", but that is so not the case. Moving right along to the next problem I had with the development. There was nary a tree in sight. They had leveled this great expanse of land in order to build several man made lakes and plots for 9,000 homes. As far as the eye could see there was dirt everywhere and oh say about 6 of the 9,000 homes were actually built. Four of them being model homes, one being the Green Home, and one home was actually purchased and apparently being lived in. None of the amenities like say the pool, tennis court, gym, town square, shops, restaurants were to be seen. Oh, and I haven't even told you the best part. The lakes, are dyed green. But they assured us that the dye does not harm the fish or alligators who call the water home. Hmm. Once we arrived at the Green Home the one word I could think of to describe it is "blah". Everywhere you turn you're bombarded with the word "g-r-e-e-n" spelled out in various fonts and styles. Who does that anymore? To be fair, the home was fine, I mean I would turn it down if I won it, but it just wasn't a stunner. Although the $300,000+ in taxes you have to pay if you won, would give me pause. I do have to admit it was exciting seeing the various items the designer purchased in our store at home in their various rooms. Maybe if the home was housed outside of a planned community I might have been feeling it more. But Tradition reminded me why I'm opposed to the whole concept. That is until we made our way to Palmetto Bluff for lunch. Talk about eating ones words.