for crafts.
1. Poinsettias made from pipe cleaner. These were inspired by Martha's chenille poinsettias. I've been using these to adorn Christmas presents and arranging them in vases.
2. Beaded monogrammed ornaments. I saw these for $12 at a shop in Vancouver. Since they didn't have any letter "V's" left I decided I'd just go home and make my own. These were made with great ease and very little money. Several monogrammed ornaments are hanging from the branches of my tree but most are decorating Christmas presents.
3. Christmas ornaments made from cookie cutters and wrapping paper. This is another craft inspired by Martha. This idea came straight out of the December issue of Martha Stewart Living. In the article large cookie cutters were used and I must say I do think they're more attractive than the miniature cookie cutters I utilized. Unfortunately my petite tree would not hold the large cookie cutters.
4. Felt Christmas trees. These really serve no other purpose than being decorative. I decided to go minimalist with one and the other I adorned with ornaments and ribbon. Unfortunately I obtained a horrible burn from the glue gun while applying the ribbon. These took a bit of time to put together because I sewed them by hand. Next Christmas I'm attempting the felt wreath.